OneAmerica Annual Report

I have been the creative director for the OneAmerica annual report for eight years.During that time I focused the report on customer story telling to highlight the unique values our company brings to the marketplace. As creative director I develop the concept and theme as well as drive the narrative approach through print, web and video. From a hands on perspective I did much of the writing, editing (both story editing and video editing) as well as leading the cross-functional design teams.

2020 Annual Report

Our 2020 annual report required a re-thinking of how we told hour stories in an environment where we could not physically be present with customers and stakeholders. The web version of the report can be viewed here.

Rowena's Story

This is a heartfelt story of how a family's dreams continued on after tragedy. I was the location director, interviewer and editor for this video.

Community Story

This story highlights how business and commitment to community combine. I directed on location, conducted the interview and edited the piece.

Explainer Videos

Over the course of my career I have written, produced and created many explainer videos for a variety of topics. I love the challenge of creating short, to-the-point videos that motivate audiences to act.

Life Insurance

This video took a complex topic within our sales organization and simplified it for consumer understanding. I was given a 15 page business brief and from that created a simple concept, scripted storyboarded and animated the video. This particular video was awarded a best in show award at the annual life insurance marketing association conference.


Getting new retirement plan participants to log-in and update their account plans is always a challenge. I worked with our internal marketing team and our agency partner the Flatland to develop a creative approach that makes the reminder fun and encouraging.

Caribou Coffee Enrollment

Our retirement plan business offers a custom communication marketing program for large plan administrators. Caribou Coffee challenged us to motivate their rank & file employees to participate in their plans. After deploying this video on their custom landing page participation in the plan increased by 30%.

Concept Development

Telling great stories always starts with developing solid, audience focused concepts. For me that always starts on paper (real or virtual) to help stakeholders visualize recommendations. This can take the form of traditional storyboards, quick sketches in meetings, or white boarded editorial plans and content hierarchies.

Becks Hybrids

This document shows samples of some concept, script and storyboards I created for a major farm seed producer.

Data & Analytics Presentation

These rough storyboards were done to help our data and analytics team create a story for their organization to take to our board of directors. I took their technical presentations and created these simple sketches in the iPad app Paper to help them zero in on the basic concepts of their technology.

NextGen Retirement Editorial Plan

When my content team was asked to re-develop thousands of existing PDF documents into a "next generation" education platform I created this persona driven content plan in Miro to help organize concepts for designers, writers and marketers to work from.


The best way to learn about my leadership style is to hear from those I have led. Each year OneAmerica awards 3 leaders in our 2800+ associate company with an ASPIRE award for leadership. Nominations for these awards come directly from associates and are chosen solely based on those nominations. Below are un-edited nominations I was very proud to receive from members of the content and communication team I lead from 2018-2020.


Innovation Challenge

In 2018 I lead the grand-prize winning OneAmerica Innovation Challenge Team. This was an incredible experience as I was assigned a group of team members randomly from different functions and we had 4 weeks to come up with concepts on how gamification could be used in the individual life insurance space. The contest was judged by senior executives and outside experts from Amazon. The assets below show how the project developed from sketches to final presentation.

"Nest Egg" Concept Development

I initially disliked the idea for gamification that the team threw out, but several on the team were passionate about the idea. I went home after our initial brainstorming session and sketched out the ideas as a challenge to myself to build the idea into something that could be produced.

"Nest Egg" Final Presentation

From the initial sketches I worked with the team to develop the final presentation. (Download the keynote) The illustrations were vector images manipulated in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. The final site design was mocked up in Adobe XD.
Each team had EXACTLY 10 minutes to present their concept and ours delivered in 8 minutes! Download the final Keynote (Mac only) presentation.

Live Events

Telling great stories always starts with developing solid, audience focused concepts. For me that always starts on paper (real or virtual) to help stakeholders visualize recommendations. This can take the form of traditional storyboards, quick sketches in meetings, or white boarded editorial plans and content hierarchies.

Vancouver Presentation

For our Vancouver incentive trip I put together this 3:1 ratio presentation in Keynote using parallax techniques to add interest but not create motion sickness on a stage with a 60 foot screen. Download the Keynote files (Mac only) if you would like a closer look.

Narrative Arc - Marco Island

I developed this simple story arc in Miro to help bring our production teams, hospitality teams and executives together on the narrative themes we needed to apply in a recent conference.

Marco Island Event Recap

This recap video for the event the narrative arc was created for highlights the staging and event creative and it's impact on attendees.

Loose Cannon Media Demo

Samples of the work I did as creative director for Loose Cannon Media. All work on this reel was concepted, written and created by me.

Tools I Use

  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Final Cut Pro
  • Paper by 53 (iPad App)
  • Concepts (iPad App)
  • Miro
  • Paper & Pen
  • Microsoft Word
  • Keynote
  • Powerpoint
© 2021 Chris Weyers Let's Talk